About Me

This is a blog by Darian Tucker (18) and Karlie Jenkins (14). Darian is a Senior at Cornerstone Christian School but spent her life until this year at Priceville High School. She plays basketball, volleyball, and softball and enjoys hanging out with her friends and boyfriend and books. Karlie is in 8th grade at West Morgan High School and is a cheerleader.she loves to read and hang out with freinds.she is in eighth grade:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

poet of the month: Robert Frost .... Wind and window flower by Robert Frost

Lover's forget ur love
and listen to the love of these
she a window Flower,
and he a Winter breeze

when the frosty window
was melted down at noon
and the caged yellow bird
hung over her in tune

he marked her through the pane
he could not help but mark
and only passed her by
to come again at dark

he was a winter wind
concerned with ice and snow
dead weeds and unmated birds
and litle of love could know

but he sighed upon the sill
he gave the sash a shake
as witness all within
who lay that night awake

perchance he half prevailed
to win her for the flight
from the firelit looking glass
and warm stove window light

but the flower leaned aside
and thought of naught to sasy
and morning found the breeze
a hundred miles away      
haii you guys .. so this is karlie and i havent done this in a while but i hope you enjoy this poem our poet of the month is robert frost so have fun keeping up;D

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