About Me

This is a blog by Darian Tucker (18) and Karlie Jenkins (14). Darian is a Senior at Cornerstone Christian School but spent her life until this year at Priceville High School. She plays basketball, volleyball, and softball and enjoys hanging out with her friends and boyfriend and books. Karlie is in 8th grade at West Morgan High School and is a cheerleader.she loves to read and hang out with freinds.she is in eighth grade:)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Al Aaraaf

Sup guys it's Darian here. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything but I've had a lot going on these past 3 weeks, but I'm here now :) So this is a long poem/story by Edgar Allan Poe that I've just added a link to under the text so I don't have to type the whole thing out. This poem is about the love between 2 fallen angels. It is one of my absolute FAVORITES and I hope that you'll enjoy the message of finding love in any situation no matter the circumstances as much as I did :) Read on, poetry lovers. ;)

                                                               Al Aaraaf

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