About Me

This is a blog by Darian Tucker (18) and Karlie Jenkins (14). Darian is a Senior at Cornerstone Christian School but spent her life until this year at Priceville High School. She plays basketball, volleyball, and softball and enjoys hanging out with her friends and boyfriend and books. Karlie is in 8th grade at West Morgan High School and is a cheerleader.she loves to read and hang out with freinds.she is in eighth grade:)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Beginning

Darian here,
     To the people who just-so-happened to stumble upon our blog, thank you. We're honored you've decided to check us out. We've never had a blog before so bear with us while we work out the kinks..we LOVE poetry and feel that sometimes it's under appreciated. The primary purpose of Mangled Friends is to re-kindle the love for poetry and to make the analysis of it fun. Granted, we're young and naive and have extremely busy schedules but we want our blog readers to be just as infatuated with deep, real, inspiring, poetry as we are. We'll have a poem a day that we'll analyze (I hate that word...it sounds so...school-ish...) and a video every Thursday. If anyone has any tips for us on ways to make Mangled Friends better, leave a comment. We're totally open to suggestions :)

Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.
     T.S. Elliot

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