About Me

This is a blog by Darian Tucker (18) and Karlie Jenkins (14). Darian is a Senior at Cornerstone Christian School but spent her life until this year at Priceville High School. She plays basketball, volleyball, and softball and enjoys hanging out with her friends and boyfriend and books. Karlie is in 8th grade at West Morgan High School and is a cheerleader.she loves to read and hang out with freinds.she is in eighth grade:)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Poet of the Month: Emily Dickinson


I like a look of agony,
Because I know it's true;
Men do not sham convulsion,
Nor stimulate the throe.

The eyes glaze once, and that is 
Impossible to feign
The beads upon the forehead
By homely anguish strung.

Darian here. I chose this poem as the first of our many because of the truth that is so blunt in it. Who likes a hypocrite? Nobody. People can pretend all day that they're something they're not but it doesn't change the truth behind who they really are. Emily grasped this better than most people today and captured her feelings in this poem. To her, she'd rather see someone in agony or heartbreak because as emotional as humans are, there is no way to fake either of those emotions. She, herself, was the object of many "unreal" people throughout her life and could undoubtedly pin-point them from a mile away. So just think before you put up a front or try to be something you're not. The impact you can make in the world as yourself will be far greater than the failures you receive if you're not. Be REAL :)

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